Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Update on lhwfoods


Congratulations are due to Living Healthy World Company's (lhwfoods) co-founders Orsalem Kahsai and  Pheo Martin.

Supermarket Guru reviewed  Flax n Chia Stix (Living Healthy World's products), and not only gave them a high score (96), but also honored the product with "Hit of the Week".

check  out supermarket guru's website and the review video link at the  2: 30 mark.,-flour-free-waffles,-sodium-alternative,-organic-chocolate,-chia-seed.html

This review also appears on almost 25 other websites including Supermarket News, IGA, Food Institute, AWMA, Kentucky Grocers, National Grocers Association, You Tube, AOL, Google, Yahoo.

Check out my previous conversation with Orsalem at:

Also check out lhwfoods website at:

Again, congratulations Orsalem and Pheo.